
Showing posts from April, 2022

Solubility of solid to liquid

  As with all processes under constant pressure and constant temperature, dissolving a solution into solution will occur only if ΔG total<0. ΔGsol=ΔHsol−TΔSsol <0 For dissolving solids in liquids, ΔSsol>0, but for dissolving gases solutes, the entropy of solution is negative (ΔSsol<0) since the entropy of the gas phase solute is appreciably greater than the entropy of that solute in solution. Consequently, the only way that ΔGsol<0 for a dissolving a gas in solution is if the solution process is exothermic (i.e., ΔHsol<0). This occurs due to the enthalpy differences from making and breaking intermolecular interactions in the solvent and solution. There are three basic steps involved in dissolving a solute from a condensed state (or a non-ideal gas) into a solution each with a corresponding enthalpy change. Steps involved in Dissolving of a solute in a solvent Dissolution can be viewed as occurring in three steps: 1. Breaking solute-solute attractions (endothermic)...